القائمة الرئيسية


اختبار للتدريب على امتحان ال IELTS للمبتدئين - مستوى 1

اختبار للتدريب على امتحان ال IELTS  للمبتدئين 

يحتوي هذا الاختبار على عشرة أسئلة يتم الإجابة عليها باختيار الإجابة الصحيحة الملائمة للفراغ في الجمل التالية  , تساعد المبتدئين في التدريب على امتحان الايلتس  .

 Fill in the blanks with the correct answer :

1. If you go on _____ me like this ,  I will never be able to finish writing my report .

(a) disturbing

(b) afflicting

(c) conecerning

(d) affecting

2. Everyone Knew  that _____ this task would require a considerable effort .

(a) working 

(b) engaging

(c) making

(d) completing

3. Judy didn’t _____ for a second to agree to Mike’s proposal as she had been in love with the boy for a long time .

(a) decide

(b) linger

(c) hesitate

(d) a wait 

4. The inconsiderate driver was _____ for parking his vehicle in the wrong place .

(a) infliceted

(b) condemned

(c) harassed

(d) fined

5. His _____ of the safety regulations really can’t be ignored any longer .

(a) disregard 

(b) unfamiliaeity

(c) carelessness 

(d) inattention 

6. Turn off yhis machine , please . The harsh sound really _____ me crazy .

(a) takes

(b) worries

(c) drives

(d) bothers

7. Mr .Tanner did his best to fix the faulty oven , but his _____ at repairing electrical devices wasn’t good enough to succeed . 

(a) service

(b) skill

(c) technique

(d) craft 

8. Don’t get so nervous about his coming late . When you get to Knew him better , learn to take it _____ .

(a) easy

(b) loose 

(c) nice  

(d) fine  

9. The idea to _____ a visit to the local council residence was welcomed by all the visitors .

(a) do 

(b) pay

(c) go  

(d) walk 

10. Let’s _____ the place , it looks so gloomy and unpleasant .

(a) miss 

(b) abandon

(c) depart  

(d) disappear 


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